Trip to Rwanda


In April 1994, the people of Rwanda suffered a tragedy of momentous proportions – while the world stood by and watched it happen. Over the course of only 100 days, a stupefying 1,000,000 innocent fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers, young and old alike were slaughtered. They were hacked to death with machetes and nail-studded clubs. They were shot dead with guns. They were beaten, tortured, abused and left to die. Many of the women and girls who were not killed were forcibly and violently sexually assaulted by HIV+ men as part of a systematic rape campaign which used the deadly potency of the AIDS virus as a tool of slow death.

The situation for survivors of the Rwandan genocide today remains dire. Many survivors are homeless as the perpetrators of the genocide have moved into the homes of their victims. Many survivors carry the scars and wounds of genocide and a number are HIV+. More genocide orphans are being created all the time as women who were raped during the genocide die of AIDS. Children are being left to fend for themselves and many look after even younger children. Few survivors or their dependents are able to afford to go to school so the chances of them securing a brighter future for themselves are slim.

This trip is being organised by Sandhurst School

The trip

In February 2022 I will be visiting Rwanda to work on a range of projects which will leave a lasting benefit and legacy for survivors

During the trip we will be:

  • Decorating and furnishing new homes ready for orphaned children to move into.
  • Teaching in two Rwandan schools and presenting valuable educational materials to support the schools that have very little resources.
  • Working with street children projects. Taking an extra suitcases with clothes, toiletries, educational materials and toys that will be handed out to children 
  • Presenting livestock to widows of the genocide to improve their diet and establish new businesses and enable survivors to earn a living.

Raising money

I am looking for donations to enable me to purchase gifts and educational materials to take with me. These will be handed out to orphaned children as well as schools whilst I am there. 

I would also like to be able to purchase livestock (a goat or cow) to help support widows in a more sustainable way.

I would also like to cover some of the cost of the trip. However this is what I would do with remaining money rather than the main reason for crowdfunding. 

Thank you

I will not be offering any rewards but I will document my trip extensively on my social media platforms where you will be able to see the huge impact that any donation has made!