I have had two pieces of work selected for the 19th international mini textile exhibition in Slovakia by the Slovak Textile Artists Association TxT.
The work is selected by a jury of artists including:
- Prof. Marga Persson – Textile artist, Austria
- Linda Brassington – Textile artist, researcher, UK
- Prof. Miroslav Brooš – Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, SK
- Mgr. Adriena Pekárová – Art historian, SK
- Erika Gregušová –president of TxT Association
International Mini textile Exhibition 2017
The exhibition topic is ‘Nearby / Faraway’ and the explanation of my pieces are as follows
The two submitted pieces both explore loss through the exploration of what remains after death. The dead are gone (faraway) but their possessions including their remains are still present (nearby). I have explored and researched mass graves with a particular interest in the human aftermath. Individuality of many, within the singular unit of a mass grave and how marks left within human bones can help tell the history of a person.
Sum explores ideas of identity and individuality by use of impressions of knitting within a skull shaped, ceramic vessel. Individuality and identity is lost within a mass grave and forensic anthropologists work to discover the identity of individuals by examining human remains as well as any clothing fragments.
Lay Waste uses the impression of lace within ink paintings as a metaphor for loss and memory. Groups of ink paintings suggest ideas of lives having been thrown away, discarded as unimportant.