I am excited to have work included in issue #8 of Covid Magazine
To see more or order a copy – https://www.teleocene.com/covid-magazine-1
“Issue #8 of Covid Magazine is dedicated to the devastating subject of genocide and ethnic cleansing. For text, I invited an old friend, a scholar of the Ottoman history and an activist Rachel Goshgarian. I met Rachel back in fall 2002, at Harvard, where she was doing her PhD in Ottoman history. Over the years we encountered each other on numerous conferences. During the lockdown she became for me and many others the primary source of information regarding the atrocities against the Armenian community in Nagorno Karabakh. I decided to couple her text with Katie Taylor ‘s work, the only artist I know who once described her work as forensic art. She is a sculptor based in Oxford, UK, whose work is mostly inspired by the Bosnian genocide. Her art exposes the fragility of life, focusing on anthropological remains forensic scientists find in crime scenes associated with ethnic cleansing.I am truly grateful to both colleagues for participating in Covid Magazine which is slowly evolving into a site of textual/visual witness.”

Previous issues feature the works of: